The Jewish Board is committed to helping Deaf and Hard of Hearing people who have mental health challenges lead fulfilling and productive lives.
Our Supports
We offer a range of services and supports for deaf and hard of hearing individuals who have mental health needs.
We provide ASL interpreters to attend counseling sessions for deaf and hard-of-hearing clients.
Learn more about our counseling services
Care Management
We can help Deaf adults get and use the medical and community services they need to stay healthy. Our ASL-fluent staff members help clients access community, psychiatric, and medical services. We also help with skill building, job searches, and individual placement support into competitive employment.
Learn more about care management
Supportive Housing
Our Tanya Towers residential program offers apartments that are designed to give Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind residents with mental illness the opportunity to live independently. All apartments are fully accessible, barrier-free, and staffed by individuals who are fluent in American Sign Language and can help connect residents to Jewish Board and local community resources.
Learn more about Tanya Towers
We can help
Find services near you by contacting 1.844.ONE.CALL (844.663.2255) using phone-based interpreting services.
Our intake team is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, to help you schedule an appointment or share more information about our services.