Corporate Compliance and Financial Information
The Jewish Board’s Corporate Compliance Program strives to foster a culture of transparency that encourages Board and Advisory Committee members, employees, volunteers, interns, vendors and contractors to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest level of business and community ethics and in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies and procedures. The Program seeks to provide the necessary guidance to promote the prevention, detection and reporting of fraud, waste and abuse (see Whistleblower Policy #12023). We also want to relay our commitment to integrity to our clients, regulatory oversight agencies, payers and philanthropic donors. The Jewish Board facilitates ethical behavior by outlining standards and expectations in our Code of Conduct.
Compliance is everyone’s responsibility and helps to ensure the delivery of quality care. Compliance reporting is a key component of this. Employees, volunteers, clients, contractors and vendors are encouraged to report compliance concerns anonymously via the Compliance Hotline (844.961.4303). If you see something, hear something, or know something, please say something.